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Tajikistan holiday destinations

Country info

Country code:TJ
Phone code:+992
Top level domain:.tj
More information:Wikipedia

Tajikistan, officially the Republic of Tajikistan, is a mountainous, landlocked country in Central Asia with an estimated population of 8.7 million people as of 2016, and an area of 143,100 kmĀ². It is bordered by Afghanistan to the south, Uzbekistan to the west, Kyrgyzstan to the north, and China to the east. Traditional homelands of Tajik people included present-day Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan.

Tajikistan is a presidential republic consisting of four provinces. Most of Tajikistan's 8.7 million people belong to the Tajik ethnic group, who speak Tajik (a dialect of Persian). Many Tajiks also speak Russian as their second language. While constitutionally a secular state, Islam is practiced by 98% of the population.

Description by Wikipedia

Map of Tajikistan

Holiday destinations in Tajikistan

Unfortunately there are no holiday destinations available for this country (yet).