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Sierra Leone holiday destinations

Country info

Country code:SL
Phone code:+232
Top level
More information:Wikipedia

Sierra Leone, officially the Republic of Sierra Leone, is a country in West Africa. It is bordered by Guinea to the northeast, Liberia to the southeast and the Atlantic Ocean to the southwest. Sierra Leone has a tropical climate, with a diverse environment ranging from savannah to rainforests. The country has a total area of 71,740 kmĀ² and a population of 7,075,641 (based on the 2015 national census). It is a constitutional republic with a directly elected president and a directly elected 124 members of a unicameral legislature known as Parliament.

Sierra Leone is made up of five administrative regions: the Northern Province, North Western Province, Eastern Province, Southern Province and the Western Area. These regions are subdivided into sixteen districts, which are further divided into 190 chiefdoms.

Description by Wikipedia

Map of Sierra Leone

Holiday destinations in Sierra Leone

Unfortunately there are no holiday destinations available for this country (yet).