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Saint Lucia holiday destinations

Country info

Continent:Central America
Country code:LC
Phone code:+1-758
Top level domain:.lc
More information:Wikipedia

Saint Lucia is a sovereign island country in the eastern Caribbean Sea on the boundary with the Atlantic Ocean. Part of the Lesser Antilles, it is located north/northeast of the island of Saint Vincent, northwest of Barbados and south of Martinique. It covers a land area of 617 kmĀ² and reported a population of 165,595 in the 2010 census. Its capital is Castries.

The French were the island's first European settlers. They signed a treaty with the native Carib Indians in 1660. England took control of the island from 1663 to 1667. In ensuing years, it was at war with France 14 times, and rule of the island changed frequently (it was ruled seven times each by the French and British). In 1814, the British took definitive control of the island. Because it switched so often between British and French control, Saint Lucia was also known as the "Helen of the West Indies".

Description by Wikipedia

Map of Saint Lucia

Holiday destinations in Saint Lucia

Unfortunately there are no holiday destinations available for this country (yet).