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Guinea Bissau holiday destinations

Country info

Country code:GW
Phone code:+245
Top level
More information:Wikipedia

Guinea-Bissau, officially the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, is a country in West Africa. It covers 36,125 square kilometres with an estimated population of 1,815,698. Only 14% of the population speaks noncreolized Portuguese, established as both the official and national language. Portuguese exists in creole continuum with Crioulo, a Portuguese creole spoken by half the population (44%) and an even larger number speaks it as second tongue, the remainder speak a variety of native African languages.

There are diverse religions in Guinea-Bissau with no one religion having a majority. The CIA World Factbook (2018) states there are about 40% Muslims, 22% Christians, 15% Animists and 18% unspecified or other. The country's per-capita gross domestic product is one of the lowest in the world.

Description by Wikipedia

Map of Guinea Bissau

Holiday destinations in Guinea Bissau

Unfortunately there are no holiday destinations available for this country (yet).